Effects of global warming

The effects of global warming can already be felt by nearly every human being on earth. Winters are becoming milder, summer days are getting hotter with a concentration on increasingly more extremely hot days. This already leads to melting ice on the poles, rising sea levels, stronger droughts and changing storm patterns.



The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report has identified several fields, which will be affected by climate change (+2°C):

Source: https://www.ipcc.ch/



Temperature extreme days will be +4,0°C warmer and extremely cold nights will be +6,0°C warmer. The number of hots days will most like increase in the land regions, with the highest increase in the tropics. 


Sea level:

Sea levels will rise continuously. The increase of +2,0°C will result in a global sea level rise of 0,1m until 2100 with regards to a +1,5°C scenario. This would mean that ca. 10 mio. people globally would be more exposed to sea level related risks. 

Beyond the year 2100, the effect of melting arctic ice shields will most probably result in multi-metre sea level rises.


Transformation of ecosystems:

It is predicted, that at 2,0°C global warming, 13% of global landscapes will undergo a transformation of ecosystems. 18% of insects and 16% of plants would lose half of their climatically determined range. 


Arctic Ice:

At 2,0°C global warming, the likelihood rises for 1 ice-free Arctic summer per decade, compared to one ice-free arctic summer per century at 1,5°C global warming.



Temperature increases above 1,5°C would considerably increase the proportion of the world population exposed to water stress. At 2,0°C global warming, the part of the world population exposed to water shortages would be 50% higher compared to a scenario of +1,5°C.


Further effects of global warming include increased migration due to water scarcity, increases of heavy rainfalls in certain areas and an increase of tropical cyclones. 


Source: https://www.ipcc.ch/